Соотнести 1remain 2peer 3affection 4increase 5be aware 6establish 7attitude 8rejection 9experience a feeling of tenderness a way thinking, acting or feeling to begin to create to be in certain situation, to have a certain emotion to make or become larger in size a person who is one's equal, who is the same as another person in age, status or ability a refusal of something to stay in the same place to know

prohorowanyura prohorowanyura    3   07.07.2019 22:30    1

Dana1906 Dana1906  31.07.2020 01:20
1 - to stay in the same place;
2 - a person who is one's equal, who is the same as another person in age, status or ability;
3 - a feeling of tenderness;
4 - to make or become larger in size;
5 - to know;
6 - to begin to create;
7 - a way thinking, acting or feeling;
8 - a refusal of something;
9 - to be in certain situation, to have a certain emotion;

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