диалог двух тинейджеров , общие интересы и т.д на английском

Minenub Minenub    3   13.03.2020 06:24    1

Allagivorgizova1392 Allagivorgizova1392  07.05.2020 19:51

Marta:Good morning!


Marta:What about to watch a film on Sunday?I prefer si-fi films

Nick:Sounds good,but I prefer to watch comedies


Nick:What about to play tennis or busketball?

Marta:Yes!I'm really into playing busketball

Nick:Great,can we go to the caffe after busketball?

Marta:Ooh..I eat only healthy food and think that food which you cook at home more tasty

Nick:Maeby you right..

Marta:Can you go to my home after buskelball?I like misic and can playing the piano and violin!

Nick:Oh,really?I can playing the guitar!

Marta:Sounds good,can we play at my home after busketball

Nick:of course!It's good idea!


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