DComplete the sentences with a word from the box. of _about_ at_ from _for _of _to

1 I'm not frightened af… 2 Is your sailing boat different … 3) I hope you are kind ****** sleeping in a tent. Are you? mine? your little brother. I'm sorry not saying thank you. 5 You really are brilliant … 6 Are you worried sailing this boat. travelling alone to the island? My bag is full things to take on our picnic.


DComplete the sentences with a word from the box. of _about_ at_ from _for _of _to 1 I'm not frig

Alisa27Alisa Alisa27Alisa    3   04.06.2020 16:06    9

Write234 Write234  30.08.2020 11:44

2 Is your sailing boat different from mine?

3 I hope you are kind to your little brother.

4 I'm sorry for not saying thank you.

5 You really are brilliant at sailing this boat.

6 Are you worried about travelling alone to the island?

7 My bag is full of things to take on our picnic.