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The British Isles lie off the north-west coast of Europe. There are two main islands Great Britain and Ireland. There are also hundreds of smaller ones, especially off the coast of Scotland in the north. Northern Ireland is on the same island with the country of Ireland, but it's part of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has lots of coastal towns. Rolling plains cover much of the interior land. There are mountains, too. Ben Nevis, in Scotland, is the highest at 1,346 metres. England has an area of mountains and lakes called the Lake District. Wales is almost entirely covered with craggy mountains and deep, green valleys.

1) How many islands do the British Isles include?
2) What countries are there on the island of Ireland?
3) What is special about the Lake District?

Galinachlen Galinachlen    3   06.05.2020 02:38    0