Correct these sentences if necessary. Put ۷ if the sentence is already correct. 1 I had a swim, quickly dried me, and put on my clothes. myself
2 Now that he was famous, he heard a lot about himself on TV and radio.
3 Why don't you bring the children with you?
4 You ought to be ashamed of you.
5 They pulled the sledge behind themselves through
the snow.
6 She put out her hand and introduced herself as
Antonia Darwin.
7 'Have you ever been to California?' 'No...oh,
yes, once,' he corrected him.
8 I could feel the ground start to move under me.
9 They applied them to the task with tremendous enthusiasm.
10 It was another rainy Sunday afternoon and we didn't know what to do with us.
11 She should look after herself better. She's lost a lot of weight.