Complete the word combinations with the following words: global, car exhaust, ozone, acid, industrial, resources, bank. Write down the answer as shown in the example.

Example: 1. table, 2. chair, 3. door, 4. big windows, 5. rooms, 6. roof, 7. floors

1. the layer

2. rain

3. waste

4. a bottle

5. warming

6. fumes

7. natural or human

kristinandrosov kristinandrosov    3   22.03.2020 21:10    2

Хачачуля Хачачуля  12.10.2020 02:39

1) the ozone layer

2) acid rain

3) industrial waste

4) bottle bank

5) global warming

6) car exhaust fumes

7) natural or human resources

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