Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets lm standing (stand) here next to the river thames in enormous whale 1) (swim) in the river! the whale 2) (not go) to the sea-it (move) in the direction of the city centre.lts incredible! hundreds of tourists (take) photos.experts 5) (try) to help the whale,but its very difficult.all around the world,people 6) (watch) the whale on in london,everyone is amazed

bmonolova1980 bmonolova1980    1   22.08.2019 11:00    3

nyrlan13531 nyrlan13531  05.10.2020 12:21
Are swiming , isn't going , is moving , are taking , are trying , are watching .
mrpersik1 mrpersik1  18.01.2024 11:53
Я стою здесь рядом с рекой Темзой в Лондоне. Огромный кит плавает в реке! Кит не плывет в море - он движется в направлении центра города. Это невероятно! Сотни туристов фотографируют. Эксперты пытаются помочь киту, но это очень сложно. Во всем мире люди наблюдают кита по телевизору. Здесь в Лондоне все в восторге.

In this text, we are describing a situation happening in the present moment. Therefore, we need to use the present continuous form of the verbs to accurately represent the ongoing actions.

1) The verb "swim" changes to "is swimming". This is because we are talking about the action happening right now, and the present continuous tense is used for ongoing actions.
2) The verb "go" changes to "is not going". This is because we are negating the verb, indicating that the whale is not currently going to the sea.
3) The verb "move" changes to "is moving". This is because we want to express the ongoing action of the whale moving in the direction of the city center.
4) The verb "take" stays the same, as it is already in the present continuous form.
5) The verb "try" changes to "are trying". This is because we are describing the ongoing actions of the experts trying to help the whale.
6) The verb "watch" changes to "are watching". This is because we want to express the ongoing action of people watching the whale on TV.
7) The phrase "everyone is amazed" stays the same, as it is already in the present continuous form.

By using the present continuous tense, we can clearly convey that these actions are happening right now and are ongoing.
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