Complete the sentences with the correct preposition at, in, or on. 1 Do you up late Sunday morning?
2 Do you like the weather the summer in you country?
3 Do you have classes Tuesday evenings?
4 Do you go to the cinema the weekend?
5 When do you finish work/ your classes
6 Do you sleep for eight hours night?
7 Do you watch TV. lunchtime?
8 Do you prefer to do exercise. the morning or the evening?
9 Do you make the dinner the evening?
10 Do you go to a restaurant for dinner. Friday nights?
ответ: 1. do you up late ON Sunday morning ?
2. do you like the weather IN the summer in you country?
3. do you have classes ON Tuesday evenings?
4. do you go to the cinema AT the weekend?
5. when do you finish work/ your classes ON Wednesday?
6. do you sleep for eight hours AT night?
7. do you watch TV. AT unchtime?
8. do you prefer to do exercise IN the morning or IN the evening?
9. do you make the dinner IN the evening?
10. do you go to a restaurant for dinner ON Friday nights?
IN используется с : временами года, месяцами, и частями дня (утро, вечер и тд)
ON с : днями недель и когда пишется число. н-р : on the first of July