•Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more the
three words.

1) I'm afraid you're too young to join the club.
I'm afraid you're not to
join the club.
2) He is not fast enough to swim for the school
He to swim for the
school team.
3) There was too much noise to hear the
There wasthat I
couldn't hear the announcer.
4) Hamilton is such a fast driver that it's very
difficult to overtake him.
Hamilton drivesit's
very difficult to overtake him.
5) The weather isn't too bad to go sailing.
The weatherto go sailing.
6) Martha practised hard and managed to win the
Martha practisedthat she managed to win the competition.
7) There are a lot of fans so we can't see the
pitch clearly.
There arefor us to see the pitch clearly.

dianafaizullin1 dianafaizullin1    2   12.04.2021 09:40    17

AliMsi AliMsi  21.12.2023 13:48
1) I'm afraid you're not old enough to join the club.
Explanation: We can change "too young" to "not old enough" to express the same meaning. The word "too" indicates that the person does not meet the age requirement.

2) He is too slow to swim for the school team.
Explanation: By changing "not fast enough" to "too slow" we are conveying the same meaning, that the person does not meet the required speed to swim for the school team. The word "too" adds emphasis, indicating that the person's speed is significantly below the required level.

3) There was so much noise that I couldn't hear the announcer.
Explanation: To express the same meaning, we can change "too much noise" to "so much noise that" in order to indicate that the amount of noise was excessive and prevented hearing the announcer.

4) Hamilton drives so fast that it's very difficult to overtake him.
Explanation: We can change "such a fast driver" to "drives so fast" to maintain the same meaning. The word "so" is used to emphasize the extent of Hamilton's speed and the difficulty in overtaking him.

5) The weather is good enough to go sailing.
Explanation: By changing "isn't too bad" to "is good enough" we are indicating that the weather is suitable for sailing. The word "enough" implies that the weather meets the necessary standard.

6) Martha practiced so hard that she managed to win the competition.
Explanation: We can change "hard and" to "so hard that" in order to convey the same meaning. The phrase "so hard that" emphasizes the extent of Martha's practice and how it resulted in her winning the competition.

7) There are too many fans for us to see the pitch clearly.
Explanation: By changing "a lot of fans" to "too many fans" we are expressing the same idea that the number of fans is excessive and prevents clear vision of the pitch. The word "too" indicates an excess.
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