Что мне делать напишите ? скажи что не так . 1.they live in house. 2.we know the name. 3.it like fish. 4.they play chess every day. 5.he washes his bike every day. 6.mike wants to come. 7.we like to sing. 8.she comes at 3 o clock.
1. They don`t live in house 2. We don`t know the name 3. It doesn`t like fish 4. They don`t play chess every day 5. He doesn`t wash the bike every day 6. Mike doesn`t want to come 7. We don`t like to sing 8. She doesn`t come at 3 o`clock
Или его распорядок дня сделать
2. We don`t know the name
3. It doesn`t like fish
4. They don`t play chess every day
5. He doesn`t wash the bike every day
6. Mike doesn`t want to come
7. We don`t like to sing
8. She doesn`t come at 3 o`clock