Choose ONE of the topics and write. Topic 1: You are a charitable volunteer in your city and always give a hand to those who are in need: clean the apartments of the disabled people; bring food to animal refuges to feed homeless animals; organise campaigns to raise money and collect toys and clothes for the local orphanages. Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him/her for any help he/she can provide to help your charity organisation. Include in your letter the following information:

•The title of your charity organisation;

•What you have done/are doing already;

•How you would like the mayor to help your charity organisation.

Use appropriate style and examples in your letter.

Topic 2: You are working in an organisation that protects the environment in your country: clean the streets; preserve national reservations; organise campaigns to raise money to preserve endangered animals (e.g., Saiga, snow leopard, flamingo, etc.)

Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him/her for any help he/she can provide to help your organisation. Include in your letter the following information:

•The current environmental problems;

•What your suggestions are for solving this problem;

•How you would like the mayor to help you / your organisation.

Анастасия8383 Анастасия8383    2   22.12.2020 08:45    41

olyavlas23 olyavlas23  22.12.2020 08:50

Қыста жануарлардың жүні қалың және

жұмсақ болады. Бұған ауаның қандай

қасиеті әсер етеді?

ауа серпімді

қыздырғанда ауа көлемі ұлғаяды

ауа жылуды нашар өткізеді

салқындаған кезде ауа көлемі


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