Task 1 .open the brackets 1. some days ago i be) in the theatre. 2. next year our family travel) to the mountains. 3. my day (to begin) with a cup of black coffee. 4. he /to be) happy when i saw him last. 5. where (to be) last summer? 6. i /to go) to the park tomorrow, i stay) at home. 7. i not (to pizza, (to like) hot dogs. 8. who (to play) chess with yesterday? 9. when usually (to get up)? 10. why often (to behave) in such a way? 11. who write) “romeo and juliet”? 12. when (to be born)? 13. my mother (not/to work), she (to be) a housewife. 14. who be) a doctor in the future? 15. when last (to write) a letter to your granny? 16. in 1999 i (not/to go) to school, i go) to kindergarten, i be) only 6.

viginipinigivini viginipinigivini    2   01.09.2019 21:10    63

tosogoktkkdkdk tosogoktkkdkdk  06.10.2020 10:28
1. Some days ago I ...(was) in the theatre.
2. Next year our family ...(will travel) to the mountains.
3. My day always... ( begins) with a cup of black coffee.
4. He ...(was not) happy when I saw him last.
5. Where were you last summer?
6. I ...(will not go) to the park tomorrow, I ...(wil be staying) at home.
7. I do not ( like)... pizza, I... ( like) hot dogs.
8. Who did you ( play) chess with yesterday?
9. When do you usually ( get up)?
10. Why does he often ( behave) in such a way?
11. Who ...( wrote) “Romeo and Juliet”?
12. When were you ( born)?
13. My mother (does not work), she (is) a housewife.
14. Who ...(will be) a doctor in the future?
15. When did you last ( write) a letter to your granny?
16. In 1999 I (did not go) to school, I ...(went) to kindergarten, I ...(was) only 6.
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