Business Trips Прочитайте текст.

Never before in the history of the world have businessmen traveled so much as they do today. It is not surprising because we are living in a world of growing international trade and expanding economic and technical cooperation. Traveling has become the most tiring of all the occupations for many businessmen and experts. Choosing a comfortable hotel to stay at is a matter of some importance. There are plenty of good hotels, motels, and guest houses, in the world, conveniently located for major business centers.

Many developing countries, such as India, Egypt, Nigeria, Libya, etc have excellent hotels. Their numerous facilities include conference halls, equipped with simultaneous, multilingual translation systems. There are parking areas which can accommodate a lot of cars. It might be useful for traveling businessmen and tourists to know that tailor shops, shoe repair shops and laundry, dry cleaning services are available for guests. People in the office help guests to book train tickets and rent a car. They are also ready to give all necessary information.

Nowadays people who go on business mostly travel by air as it is the fastest means of traveling. Passengers are requested to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure time on international flights and an hour on domestic flights as there must be enough time to complete the necessary airport formalities. Passengers must register their tickets, weigh in and register the luggage.

Most airlines have at least 2 classes of travel: first class and economy class which is cheaper. Each passenger has a free luggage allowance. Generally this limit is 20 kg for economic class passenger and 30 kg for first class passenger. Excess luggage must be paid for except for some articles that can be carried free of charge. Each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane. Watch the electric sign flashes when you are on board, when the "Fasten Seat Belts" sign goes on do it promptly and also obey the "No Smoking" signal. Do not forget your personal effects when leaving the plane.

2. Изучите слова, найдите в тексте предложения с этими словами и выражениями:

growing international trade – растущий международный рынок
expanding economic and technical cooperation – расширяющиеся экономические и технические связи
tiring - утомительный
a matter of some importance – важное дело
conveniently located – удобно расположенный
developing countries – развивающиеся страны
numerous facilities – многочисленные услуги
simultaneous, multilingual translation systems – синхронные многоязычные системы перевода
can accommodate – могут вместить
available - доступны
to book - заказывать
rent a car – взять напрокат машину
domestic flights – внутренние рейсы
a free luggage allowance – бесплатно провозимый багаж
excess luggage – багаж сверх нормы
free of charge – без уплаты пошлины
a boarding pass – посадочный талон
personal effects – личные вещи
3. ответьте на вопросы:

Why do businessmen travel so much today?
Is it important to choose a comfortable hotel?
What facilities are there in many excellent hotels?
What shops and services are available for guests in hotels?
How can people in the office help guests?
Why do businessmen mostly travel by air?
What must passengers do at the airport?
What is cheaper – first class or economy class?
What must the passengers pay for?
4. Переведите один из абзацев текста письменно.

lucaa lucaa    1   11.03.2021 06:04    21

ivanovmax ivanovmax  11.03.2021 06:10


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Business Trips Прочитайте текст. Never before in the history of the world have businessmen traveled
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