С.head the toxt and anawor tho quostions michael pheips is probolbly the greatest olmpc wimner in history, he won six gold mealals in the 200+ dlympics, and then in theolympic gomes at beijing, he won another ight gold medials and broke five world records how does he do t? wel, phelps' bigges secret is that he eats a huge cmount of food every day in fact, you won't believe how much eots: he so muchthit it is almost impossible for an ordirary person to eat the same quantity we know because one of our repo tors, joe finch, tred tu eat michacl phelps breakfast fist, heate a boet ofcercal, which was much smalles than the one phelps cots. then he hod big sandwich which wa made of white bread and butter, with a tried egg and tomatces inside phelps usually eats three of thesel then he ate a fiva-egg omelctte our reporter could only eat half ofit and finaly he had o piece toast and vo chocolste pancakes. unbelieval: y michael phaps eats throe pletes of tonst and three onge parcakes. and thot's just breaidjastt for lurnch he usualy has halfa kilo of posto rut why does one of the most amazing swimmers fristory eat so mucn urhealthy food? wd, the onswor is carbohydrates. pheips swims a hundred kilometves every wedk, he spends hours and hoars im the swimning pool consequently, he necds a lot of cnegy, carbohydrales give hin cniergy. the probiem is that hie doesn'thave enough time to cat properly hes aways in the pool and he san't eat when he'sswimming so he has to eat us much food with lots ofcarhohydrate initas quickiy as he can. 1 how many gold medals did photps win at the 2008 baiing clympica? whsl did the roporlak eat tor breakast? 2 wrat ooes phalps eat for lunch? 3 how mich swinming does phelas do in 4 a week? 5 wrat son of food does phielps need to sal to b a greot swinmer? 40 217