B. ? getting regular exercise

C. ? going to a place of worship

2. The writer probably believes that can help someone experiencing depression.

A. ? learning to play the piano or guitar

B. ? learning to make art

C. ? starting an exercise program.

3. What would the author think is not a way of caring for the well-being of others?

A. ? volunteering at a home for old people

B. ? practicing yoga or meditation

C. ? giving advice to a friend who has marriage problems

4. Why doesn't the brain remember positive experiences as much as negative ones?

A. ? Positive experiences like having food and shelter were necessary for the survival of our ancestors.

B. ? Positive experiences were not as important for the survival of our ancestors as negative ones.

C. ? Our ancestors didn't understand what made them happy.

5. What is not mentioned in the reading as being part of a quality relationship?

A. ? mutual respect

B. ? sharing of feelings

C. ? enthusiasm

6. Things we cannot control that affect our level of happiness are .

A. ? the number and quality of relationships we have

B. ? our genes

C. ? the number of volunteer positions we have

7. How does the author explain spirituality?

A. ? It is a way or recognizing the need to protect and preserve the beauty of nature.

B. ? It is a way of recognizing and trying to understand the wonder and beauty of life.

C. ? It is a way of making new friends.

8. What is not part of being mindful?

A. ? enjoying the memory of a past experience

B. ? focusing on this moment

C. ? taking pleasure in what you are doing at this time

9. What is part of thinking positively?

A. ? wishing that we could change the past

B. ? appreciating what we have

C. ? feeling bad about decisions we have made

10. According to the reading, people are in a state of flow when .

A. ? time seems to pass very quickly

B. ? we feel the need to help others

C. ? people include spirituality in their daily lives

1. When you lose track of time, .

A. ? time seems to go by slowly

B. ? time seems to stand still

C. ? you don't have enough time

D. ? Time seems to pass quickly

2. When you treat a cold, you .

A. ? catch a cold from someone else

B. ? give your cold to someone else

C. ? start to feel better without taking any medicine

D. ? take medicine to feel better

3. What words below could replace the word shelter in the following sentence? Our ancestors needed food and shelter.

A. ? a way of hunting

B. ? a place to live

C. ? weapons to defend themslves against wild animals

4. People who have mutual respect .

A. ? don't have respect for each other

B. ? have respect for one another

C. ? have respect for other people

5. Look at this sentence from the reading. "Some research has shown that exercise is just as effective as medication in treating depression." This means that .

A. ? people need exercise, not medicine, when they suffer from depression

B. ? people suffering from depression need both exercise and medicine

C. ? people need medicine, not exercise, if they suffer from depression

D. ? people can choose to exercise or take medication when they suffer from depression

6. Psychologists are people who .

A. ? study different ways of treating injury or illness in people

B. ? study the brain and how people behave

C. ? study the history of mankind, from earliset times until now

7. A person who volunteers .

A. ? works hard without receiving any payment

B. ? works hard for very little money

C. ? can earn a lot of money by working at several jobs

D. ? must have a degree from a university

8. A person who was depressed would probably .

A. ? feel they had a lot to be thankful for

B. ? feel nothing could improve their situation

C. ? think positively about their situation

9. Your ancestors are members of your family who .

A. ? lived a long time ago

B. ? are living now

C. ? will be born in the future

10. The reading states that exercise can be effective in treating depression. What kind of word is effective?

A. ? a noun

B. ? a verb

C. ? an adverb

D. ? an adjective

B. ? getting regular exercise C. ? going to a place of worship 2. The writer probably believes that

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