Abusiness trip (10 marks) choose the correct form of the verb to complete this report, as in the example. oxford, wednesday, 11 september i (arrived / arrive) here last sunday after a long flight from thailand. i (leaved / left) bangkok at midday. i (taked/ took) the bus from heathrow to oxford. i (get / got) to the hotel in time for dinner. i (stay / am staying) at the randolph hotel. on monday i (am visiting / visited) a factory in manchester. i (went / goed) there by train. tomorrow am (going / going) to cardiff to attend a conference. at the weekend i (fly / am flying) to munich for the international. computer fair. next tuesday (am seeing / saw) jack thompson who (meet / met) in tokyo last year at the micromac. trade fair.

Laurahsnbrg Laurahsnbrg    1   23.09.2019 22:30    6

nas81 nas81  08.10.2020 13:30
Arrived, left, took, got, am staying, visited, went, going, am flying, am seeing, met
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