AA identify three complex prepositional phrases in the text. b) TA Use these phrases to complete the sentences: regadless of, in connection with, by wuy of, contrary to, as per your request. I would like to put forward my personal opinion on the matter 2 1 am writing the article entitled Have job lairs become obsalete?. which appeared in Saturday's edition of your newspaper. some people's beliets, an informational interview -an informal meeting with a professional in order to gather insight on your desied field of work-can in tact help you create valuable opportunities tor the future. 41 trmly believe that communicative and skills are the feld collaborative essential SI would ke to recount my personal experience ..introduction.

esnira1098376 esnira1098376    1   03.01.2022 20:08    8

ЛизаХлеб ЛизаХлеб  19.01.2024 07:24
AA. Вот три сложные предложения с предлоговыми группами в тексте:

1. in connection with - в связи с:

...I am writing the article entitled Have job fairs become obsolete? which appeared in Saturday's edition of your newspaper.

2. regardless of - независимо от:
...some people's beliefs, an informational interview – an informal meeting with a professional in order to gather insight on your desired field of work – can in fact help you create valuable opportunities for the future.

3. contrary to - вопреки:
...I truly believe that communicative and collaborative skills are the essential field. I would like to recount my personal experience… introduction.

b) TA. Используя данные фразы, заполним предложения:

1. Regardless of my personal opinion on the matter, I am writing the article entitled "Have job fairs become obsolete?", which appeared in Saturday's edition of your newspaper.

2. In connection with some people's beliefs, an informational interview – an informal meeting with a professional in order to gather insight on your desired field of work – can in fact help you create valuable opportunities for the future.

3. Contrary to what I truly believe, communicative and collaborative skills are the essential field. I would like to recount my personal experience in the introduction.


1. "Regardless of my personal opinion on the matter" означает, что независимо от моего личного мнения по этому вопросу.

2. "In connection with some people's beliefs" означает, что связано с некоторыми убеждениями людей.

3. "Contrary to what I truly believe" означает, что вопреки тому, что я действительно верю.

Пошаговое решение:

1. Найдите предложения с предлоговыми фразами в тексте.
2. Определите значения этих фраз и понятий, выраженных в них.
3. Используйте эти фразы, чтобы заполнить пропущенные слова или фразы в предложениях.

Таким образом, ответ на вопрос состоит в том, что в тексте можно найти три сложные предложения с предлоговыми фразами: "in connection with", "regardless of" и "contrary to". Они используются для заполнения пропущенных слов и фраз в предложениях, обосновывая их и делая их понятными для школьника.
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