A year ago mobody had ever heard of us. We were just another pop group.one of half a doren in Barchester alone What I went to tell you about is how we found our new sound The sound that made us famous
There were four of us in our group: Bill
Kelly, Harry Black, Ken MacDonald and me. That Friday we were in a very
bad mood. It was clear to all of us that we had reached a cres. Bill want to the kitchen to get some sandwiches and when he
came back he was carrying our local newspaper,
"Here you are Just the thing for us," he said. "The Local Council prize is a trip to Italy. The song must be about
Verona, too."
Harry took the newspaper from Bill and was reading it himself. You forgot to tell us something important," he sait
"It says here we must learn some Italian to win first prize." "What do you say to that?"
"Don't worry," said Bill. "I've got the answer." He took the paper and read, "Start leaming another language tonight
by the new method of professor Alistair S Lethe."
1) How many pop groups were there in Barcherster?
a)more than twelve
b)less then twenty
c)about five or six

2)How did the boys fell?
a)They were very happy
b)They were very glad
c)They were glad to reach the end of their carrier

3)Why did Bill go to the kitchen?
a)to fetch the local newspaper
b)to have dinner in the kitchen
c)to find something to eat

4)The winners of the contest
a)would travel to Italy
b)would write a new song about Verona
c)would take part in a contest in Italy

5)What did Bill forget to tell his friends?
a)they should learn Italian
b)There was a new method of learning Italian
c)The first prize would be given to Italians

ьпдомощопаг ьпдомощопаг    3   12.12.2020 21:52    0

Улан141 Улан141  12.12.2020 22:00



3 c




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