A) Read and guess what the underlined words mean. a
tion ).
2. When people elect their government, they take part in the elec
1. The Constitution [konsti'tju:[n] is the main law of the country.
3. A congress ['kongres] is a large meeting of people coming from
different parts of the country. Congressmen and congresswomen
4. The Senate ['senit] is one of the houses in the US Congress
5. All the newspapers that are published in a country are called
members of the US Congress.
A senator ['senətə] is a member of the law-making senate.
the Press (pres].
6. Religion [ri'lidzən] is believing in God or gods.
7. A helper is someone who helps.
8. The vice president [vais 'prezıdənt] in the US is elected together
with the president of the country.
9. The Cabinet ['kæbinit] is a group of important ministers who help
a president giving him advice on different problems.
10. I am
sure everything will be all right, I
will be all right, I can guarantee
[.gærən'ti:] it.
11. It's often easy to begin a war but difficult to end it.
12. Slavery ['slervəri] is a system by which people (slaves) can be
owned by other people.​

Polina19790 Polina19790    3   26.04.2021 15:57    16

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