Тест по лексикологии англ яз

. To be or not to be, that is the question.
(A) saying (B) proverb
(C) pun (D) quotation

31. All hands on deck!
(A) saying (B) quotation
(C) synecdoche (D) detachment

32. By hook or by crook.
(A) anadiplosis (B) proverb
(C) saying (D) irony

33. She put on a white frock that suited the sunny riverside and her.
(A) sarcasm (B) simile
(C) zeugma (D) chiasmus

34. Youth is lovely, age is lonely, youth is fiery, age is frosty.
(A) hyperbole (B) antithesis
(C) polysyndeton (D) allusion

35. The next speaker was a tall gloomy man, Sir Something Somebody.
(A) parallelism (B) zeugma
(C) quotation (D) antonomasia

dimonshegolev dimonshegolev    2   18.03.2020 04:18    15

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