7 предложений динозавров на английском только не больших)*​

зика20 зика20    2   17.12.2020 09:19    1

Nelya2612 Nelya2612  16.01.2021 09:22

People learned about dinosaurs only 150 years ago, although these huge creatures inhabited the earth for as long as 160 million years, long before the ancestors of a man appeared on it. In the twenties of the last century, the fossilized bones of unknown creatures were first discovered. Later on, these fossil remains, scientists were able to restore the appearance and way of life of prehistoric monsters.

Dinosaurs were reptiles or reptiles. The word "dinosaur" means "terrible lizard". Many of them, like ordinary lizards, had hard, scaly skin. Hundreds of science-known species of dinosaurs are divided by scientists into two orders: the bird-dinosaurs, whose hind legs are similar to the bird's, and the lizhorotaceae, whose pelvic bones resemble lizards.

Dinosaurs differed greatly in shapes and sizes and lived at different times: some -200 million years ago, another 70 million years ago. Not all dinosaurs were giants: Camponotus, for example, were the size of a chicken, heterodonts like a large dog. Some lizards, like the Tyrannosaurus, were insatiable predators, others, like slow stegosaurs, vegetarians. The carnivorous dinosaurs had long claws to cling and tear them their victims.

Tyrannosaurus was not only the largest predatory dinosaur but in general the largest predator that ever inhabited our planet. His fossilized bones were found in North America. Tyrannosaurus reached a length along with the tail of 14 meters, and in a vertical position of 6 meters. His massive sharp teeth were 15 cm long, and the owner himself weighed 7.3 tones. It is natural to assume that the Tyrannosaurus was too heavy to chase other dinosaurs. He probably ate small and sick animals.

About 65 million years ago, dinosaurs suddenly died out and disappeared forever from the face of the earth. The reason for this is still a mystery.


Люди узнали о динозаврах всего 150 лет назад, хотя эти огромные существа населяли Землю целых 160 млн. лет, задолго до того, как на ней появились предки человека. В 20-х годах века впервые были найдены окаменелые кости неизвестных существ. Позднее по этим ископаемым останкам ученые смогли восстановить облик и образ жизни доисторических чудовищ.

Динозавры были пресмыкающимися, или рептилиями. Слово «динозавр» означает «ужасный ящер». У многих из них, как у обычных ящериц, была жесткая чешуйчатая кожа. Сотни известных сейчас науке видов динозавров разделены учеными на два отряда: птицетазовые динозавры, у которых задние конечности похожи на птичьи, и ящеротазовые, чьи тазовые кости напоминают ящериц.

Динозавры сильно различались формами и размерами и жили в разное время: одни -200 млн. лет назад, другие 70 млн. лет назад. Не все динозавры были гигантами: компсогнатусы, например, были величиной с цыпленка, гетеродонты с крупную собаку. Одни ящеры, как тираннозавр, были ненасытными хищниками, другие, как медлительные стегозавры вегетарианцами. У хищных динозавров были длинные когти, чтобы цеплять и рвать ими свои жертвы.

Тираннозавр был не только самый крупный хищный динозавр, но и вообще крупнейший хищник, который когда-либо обитал на нашей планете. Его окаменелые кости были найдены в Северной Америке. Тираннозавр достигал в длину вместе с хвостом 14 метров, а в вертикальном положении 6 метров. Его огромные острые зубы были 15 см, а их хозяин весил 7,3 тонны. Разумеется, предположить, что тираннозавр был слишком тяжел, чтобы бегать за другими динозаврами. Вероятно, он питался мелкими и больными животными.

Около 65 млн. лет назад динозавры неожиданно вымерли и исчезли с лица земли навсегда. Причина этого до сих пор остается загадкой.

rekrifcm rekrifcm  16.01.2021 09:22

People learned about dinosaurs only 150 years ago, although these huge creatures inhabited the earth for as long as 160 million years, long before the ancestors of a man appeared on it. In the twenties of the last century, the fossilized bones of unknown creatures were first discovered. Later on, these fossil remains, scientists were able to restore the appearance and way of life of prehistoric monsters.

Dinosaurs were reptiles or reptiles. The word "dinosaur" means "terrible lizard". Many of them, like ordinary lizards, had hard, scaly skin. Hundreds of science-known species of dinosaurs are divided by scientists into two orders: the bird-dinosaurs, whose hind legs are similar to the bird's, and the lizhorotaceae, whose pelvic bones resemble lizards.

Dinosaurs differed greatly in shapes and sizes and lived at different times: some -200 million years ago, another 70 million years ago. Not all dinosaurs were giants: Camponotus, for example, were the size of a chicken, heterodonts like a large dog. Some lizards, like the Tyrannosaurus, were insatiable predators, others, like slow stegosaurs, vegetarians. The carnivorous dinosaurs had long claws to cling and tear them their victims.

Tyrannosaurus was not only the largest predatory dinosaur but in general the largest predator that ever inhabited our planet. His fossilized bones were found in North America. Tyrannosaurus reached a length along with the tail of 14 meters, and in a vertical position of 6 meters. His massive sharp teeth were 15 cm long, and the owner himself weighed 7.3 tones. It is natural to assume that the Tyrannosaurus was too heavy to chase other dinosaurs. He probably ate small and sick animals


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