7 module 5 Grammar
Task I

Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense (Use Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple)

1. She (learn) English for six years already.
2. I (work) on this project for two weeks already and I ___(not finish) it yet.
3. (you/be) at the Black Sea?- Yes, I ___ (be) there last summer.
4. - I’m so hungry, I ___ (not have) lunch yet.
- Oh, it’s a pity you ___(not come) with us when we met with Nick.
5. - My brother ___ (return) from the Far East.
- How long (he/stay) there? – For two months.
6. - (anyone/see) my box of cookies? I (put) them on the coffee table yesterday.
- Oh, sorry! My friends came over last night and we (eat) them.
7. When (you/download) this computer game?

Task 2

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Infinitive or Gerund)

1. Jack seems (wait) for someone. He looks very nervous.
2. Tom appears (have) difficulty walking. – Yes, he hurt his leg yesterday.
3. My Mom suggested (go) to the beach after breakfast.
4. Mike offered me (bring) the heavy bags from the car.
5. He denied (tell) a lie to his brother.
6. I can’t stand ___ (do the dishes).
7. My friend refused (tell) them my secret.

IgnatBakaev IgnatBakaev    2   28.04.2020 16:25    3

danyaсс danyaсс  28.08.2020 15:46

1) 1. She has been learning English for six years already.

2. I have been working on this project for two weeks already and Ihaven't finished it yet.

3. Have you been at the Black Sea?- Yes, I was there last summer.

4. - I’m so hungry, I haven't had lunch yet.

- Oh, it’s a pity you didn't come with us when we met with Nick.

5. - My brother has returned from the Far East.

- How long did he stay there? – For two months.

6. - Has anyone seen my box of cookies? I put them on the coffee table yesterday.

- Oh, sorry! My friends came over last night and we ate them.

7. When did you download this computer game?

2) 1. Jack seems to be waiting for someone. He looks very nervous.

2. Tom appears to have difficulty walking. – Yes, he hurt his leg yesterday.

3. My Mom suggested going to the beach after breakfast.

4. Mike offered me to bring the heavy bags from the car.

5. He denied telling a lie to his brother.

6. I can’t stand doing the dishes.

7. My friend refused to tell them my secret.

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