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A difficult interview
I had a very difficult interview the other day, in fact it
wwf(should be, must have been the most difficult
one of my life. I arrived an hour early. I know I 2)
(mustn't have to, didnt have to), but I was too nervous.
In fact all the waiting made me even more nervous, and
(can't have been, might have been) better to ar-
rive just fifteen minutes before. Anyway, when the inter-
view started I just 4). (couldn't, didn't have to)
find what to say I had asked my mother for advice about
interview technique, and she said
be. were) you, I just be yourself.mk know 61
(should, need) be more confident, but it isnt always very
helpful. After about five minutes I relaxed a little, but the
questions were really difficult. At the end they said they
would 7)
(have to be able to let me know the re-
sult of the interview by the end of the month, but I'm not
very hopeful​

Ивангай228666 Ивангай228666    3   30.04.2020 17:08    718

ulyanan260801 ulyanan260801  26.04.2022 15:57
смт ирпс ми и ромь рмммм ьмспатсь мспа мисапс имьмроб
мрсопачсва имприти мспам ир м рмирит ит мпрмоит од
ммпрсмпрмтироддр рмпрм имрплм иттмр итб
рмбмиб ьомимроои оилом ит бомсприти
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