5. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice (страдательном залоге): 1. The electricians maintain the ship’s generators.
2. Our doctor is examining the sailors now.
3. The carpenter finished his work yesterday.
4. The officer on watch will meet us at the gangway.
5. The Third Officer has already made entries in the log book.

6. Замените прямую речь косвенной:
1. The sailor answered: “I am cleaning the hold”.
2. He said: “The pilot has just arrived”.
3. The motormen noted: “We repaired the main engine yesterday”.
4. The cadet said: “The Chief Mate will show the lifeboats tomorrow”.
5. He answered: “Modern ferries have a lot of complex equipment on board

АнимешникИз2К17 АнимешникИз2К17    1   09.06.2020 07:19    13

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