5 Match these words (1–12) from the text with their meanings (a–l).
1 conquest 7 slave trade
2 sponsored 8 abolished
3 overseas territory 9 raw materials
4 reign 10 atrocities
5 circumnavigate 11 decline
6 settled 12 sovereignty

a natural products, often used to manufacture things
b area of land belonging to a distant country
c went to live permanently
d to get smaller
e acts of extreme cruelty
f period when a king or queen ruled a country
g ownership of an area of land (by a country)
h taking control by force
i buying and selling people, and forcing them to work
j given money
k go completely around, in a ship
l ended, by law​

tetyanaostafi tetyanaostafi    3   05.11.2020 10:52    3

aldera1 aldera1  12.02.2021 16:41

1 h

2 j

3 b

4 f

5 k

6 c

7 i

8 l

9 a

10 e

11 d

12 g

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