40 exercise 1. suffix -less doesn’t change the part of speech but it changes the meaning of the word (means ‘without’, ‘having ’). translate the sentences containing adjectives with suffix -less. 1. the needles turn yellow and fall in the late autumn, leaving the trees leafless through the winter. 2. common causes of wildfires include lightning, human careless-ness, arson, volcano eruption, and pyroclastic cloud from active volcano. 3. what is sometimes called commercial clearcutting is used to maximize income regardless of silvicultural issues. 4. by autumn, the ground is littered red with the winged fruits, and the following spring, countless thousands of seedlings unfold their straplike cotyledons. 5. the greatest peril facing britain’s forests is fire, leaving behind a blackened worthless ruin in place of a green hillside of living trees, prom-ising future wealth and beauty. one tree can make a million matches — one match can burn a million trees. 6. careless logging had been performed in these regions by the people of antiquity.

Anhard23 Anhard23    3   30.03.2019 10:04    1

Tosya111 Tosya111  27.05.2020 16:31

ответ под номером 5

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