Рассказ о белом аисте на английском 10 предложение​

Мирамкуль1 Мирамкуль1    1   14.03.2020 09:42    4

ЭдикБел ЭдикБел  11.10.2020 21:31

Since ancient times, people treat storks warmly and respectfully. There are many legends and beliefs associated with these graceful long-legged birds. The most common belief is that a stork brings children in its beak. People, having good feelings for these birds, never harm them. Storks pay people in return and willingly settle next to a person. They build their nests on water towers, on pipes, and even on roofs of houses. It is believed that the house on the roof of which the stork made a nest is under the protection of good powers.


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