ответ: I wanna be designer. It`s really common and popular job nowdays, because it has its own advetages. If i work hard, i will have good salary, because designer are nassesary in lots of industries. But also i will be able to work work freelance, at home. So, getting to my office won`t take from me so much time. And the most important thing in this job for me is ability to be creative, free in my own ideology.
ответ: I wanna be designer. It`s really common and popular job nowdays, because it has its own advetages. If i work hard, i will have good salary, because designer are nassesary in lots of industries. But also i will be able to work work freelance, at home. So, getting to my office won`t take from me so much time. And the most important thing in this job for me is ability to be creative, free in my own ideology.