Module 8 Test Task 1: Переведите слова и выражения
2) Джем
3) Вишня
4) Стакан молока
5) Курица
6) Помидоры
7) Макароны
8) Виноград
9) Масло
10) Шоколад
11) Мясо
12) Оливковое масло
13) Клубника
14) Апельсиновый сок
15) Рыба
16) Чеснок
17) Капуста
18) Лук
19) Рис
20) Хлеб
21) Сыр

Task 2: Выпишите слова из задания 1 в таблицу(слова пишем на английском языке)
Countable (исчисляемые)
Uncountable (неисчисляемые)

Task 3: Вставьте much/many/(напишите цифру и слово)

1. How apples have you got?Not
2. How milk do you have? Not
3. How does the bar of chocolate cost? Not
4. How apples are there in the basket? Not
5. How pasta have you got on the shelf?Not
6. How butter do you need? Not
7. How oranges do you want?Not
8. How juice does he drink every day? Not
9. How tomatoes are there in your bag?Not
10. How ice cream have you got in your fridge? Not
Task 4: Вставьте some/any(напишите цифру и слово)
1. Is there water in the glass?
2. There are not apples in the bowl.
3. There is sugar in the bowl.
4. Is there jam on the bread?
5. There are potatoes in the bag.
6. There is chicken on the plate.
7. Are there cherries on the tree?
8. Is there milk in the bottle?
9. There are not eggs in my fridge.
10. There is soup in the pot.

Task 5: Read the email below and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). Прочитайте текст, сделайте письменный перевод текста, выполни задание (напишите цифру и слово- true-верно,
false - неверно)

Dear Joy,
How are you? It’s my birthday next Saturday and I’m having a party at my house. Why don’t you come? We always have a great time! I usually decorate my house with a lot of colourful balloons and we all play some great party games such as Simon Says, Twenty Questions and many more.
Then, there’s the food. My mother is a great cook and she makes a lot of delicious food! We usually have pizza with ham, bacon, mushrooms and peppers, ham and cheese or tuna sandwiches and different kinds of salads. There is always a lot of coke, orange and apple juice to drink, and my birthday cake of course. I love chocolate so it’s always a chocolate cake.
So, I really hope you can make it! The party starts at six. Don’t be late!

1 Joy’s birthday is next Saturday.
2 Helen decorates the house with balloons.
3 Simon Says is a party game.
4 Helen cooks the food.
5 There is only one salad.
6 Helen doesn’t like chocolate.

Ex.6 Read the email below and mark the statements as T (true) or F (false). Прочитайте текст, сделайте письменный перевод текста, выполни задание (напишите цифру и слово- true-верно,
false - неверно)
Dear Matt,
How are you? It’s my birthday next Sunday and I’m having a party at my house. Why don’t you come? We always have a fantastic time! I usually decorate my room with a lot of balloons and we all play Catch the Balloon, Hot Potato and other games.
Then, there’s the food. My mother is a great cook and she makes a lot of delicious food! We usually have sandwiches, crisps, small cakes and chocolate biscuits. She also makes chicken fingers and a couple of salads. There is always a lot of coke, orange and apple juice to drink, and my birthday cake of course. This time she’s making a castle cake. I’m not telling you what she’s making it with. It’s a surprise!
So, I really hope you can make it! The party starts at seven. Don’t be late!
Bye for now,
1 Joy’s birthday is next Saturday.
2 Chris decorates the house with balloons.
3 Hot Potato is a kind of food.
4 Chris doesn’t cook the food.
5 They serve vanilla biscuits.
6 There is more than one salad.

PavelKyiv PavelKyiv    2   18.04.2020 20:50    97

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