3. В каком предложении правильно раскрыты скобки? - My classmate ... (to go) cycling in the yard. A. My classmate go cycling in the yard. B. My classmate to go cycling in the yard. C. My classmate going cycling in the yard. D. My classmate goes cycling in the yard. E. My classmate gos cycling in the yard. 4. Выбери предложение с правильным отрицанием A. She doesn't solves problems, B. She don't solves problems C. She not solves problems D. She solve doesn't problems E. She doesn't solve problems 5. Которое из этих предложений является правильным? ? A. There are pen on the desk B. There is pen on the desk C. There is a pen on the desk D. There is pens on the desk E. There pen is on the desk