I. заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами. 1. i’m sorry, i join you on wednesday. a) cannot b) cannot to c) don’t can to d) don’t can 2. he pass the exam. a) didn’t can b) could not c) could not to 3. i to go hiking with you. a) will be able b) will can 4. this man more than he says. a) mays know b) may know c) may knows 5. i say a few words? a) may b) might 6. he forgot that the police discover the truth. a) may b) might c) would may 7. tom has broken his leg. he walk a lot. it is not good for him. a) need not b) cannot c) may not 8. you lend me your umbrella. i love walking in the rain. a) may b) must c) need 9. he see me in this situation. a) doesn’t must b) must not 10. the company postpone the loading because of some problems with transport. a) must b) has to c) can