3 lor
Complete the personality quiz.
1 If you arrange
(see) a show with a friend
but the friend cancels, do you
a risk
(go) on your own?
b invite a different friend
(go) with you?
2 If you're at the cinema with friends and you don't like the
film, do you
a walk out and agree
(meet) them
b decide
(find) out what your friends think
3 If you need
(go) shopping to buy a new
outfit, do you
a go by yourself and expect
(find) what
you want?
b persuade a friend
(go) with you and help
you to choose?
4 If you're with friends and they all fancy
(watch) a DVD that you've already seen,
a encourage your friends
something different?
b say nothing even though you don't want
(watch) it?

t89633261566polypony t89633261566polypony    3   15.09.2020 05:34    51

andreu1024 andreu1024  24.01.2024 11:20
1) a) If you arrange (see) a show with a friend but the friend cancels, do you a risk (go) on your own?

In this situation, you would choose the option a). This means that even if your friend cancels, you would still go to the show by yourself. This shows that you are independent and willing to take risks.

2) b) If you're at the cinema with friends and you don't like the film, do you b) walk out and agree (meet) them afterwards?

In this case, you would choose option b). Instead of leaving the cinema and waiting for your friends outside, you would stay and watch the film with them, even if you don't like it. This shows that you consider your friends' opinions and value their company.

3) a) If you need (go) shopping to buy a new outfit, do you a) go by yourself and expect (find) what you want?

Here, you would choose option a). If you need to go shopping for a new outfit, you would go by yourself and expect to find what you want. This shows independence and self-sufficiency.

4) a) If you're with friends and they all fancy (watch) a DVD that you've already seen, do you a) encourage your friends (choose) something different?

In this situation, you would choose option a). If your friends want to watch a movie that you have already seen, you would suggest they choose something different. This shows that you are considerate of your friends' preferences and willing to compromise.

Overall, this personality quiz is designed to gauge your level of independence, willingness to take risks, consideration for others, and ability to make decisions on your own. It can help to determine your personality traits and how you approach different situations.
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