Соединить предложения : read the text again and match the words or phrases with their definitions. 1) threaten 2) uninhabitable 3) rising 4) rough 5) refuse 6)source 7)tiny 8) reduce. a ) not smooth ; violent . b) getting bigger or higher c) make smaller, make lower d) say that you will not do or accept something e) likely to cause harm or something f) very small g) cannot be lived in h) the place something comes from or starts at

Anastasii03 Anastasii03    1   19.08.2019 18:20    14

alisakim2 alisakim2  05.10.2020 05:36
1.Threaten likely to cause harm or damage to someone or something2.Uninhabitable3.Rising4.Rough5.Refuse6.Source7.Tiny8.Reducenot smooth;violentgetting bigger or getting highermake smaller,make lowersay that you will not do or accept somethingvery smallcannot be lived inthe place something comes from or starts at
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