Work in pairs. look at the dates of music player history and match the dates to events.

2a Work in pairs. look at the dates of music player history and match the dates to events.

denis1120 denis1120    2   02.02.2022 22:46    0

Диана149018 Диана149018  02.02.2022 22:50

1 - d

2 - b

3 - f

4 - a

5 - e

6 - c


1877 - the first phonograph was invited;

1887 - tre phonograph was called a gramophone;  

1890s - the phonograph cylinders were changed to flat discs;

1910 - a gramophone became a common name in the UK;

1930 - a tape recorder which records and plays sounds using magnetic tape appeared;

1940 - a tape recorder was called a record player.

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