Policeman: What (1. you/ do) at 9 o’clock last night? Witness: I (2. watch) TV while my wife (3. make) dinner. Actually, we (4. want/ eat) at a restaurant, but when my favorite news program (5. start), I (6. decide/stay) at home. I (7. be) rather tired as well. Besides this, I (8. not want/ spend) money. In the past, we (9. eat) out a lot. Eating out (10. not/be) so expensive then. Now it (11. cost) a lot, and we (10. not/ can) afford it.
Policeman: Okay, okay. What (11. happen) then?
Witness: I (12. think) I (13. hear) a gunshot from outside, but I (14. not/see) anything unusual. Then I (15. realize) what the noise was. Our neighbours (16. have) a party and they (17. set off) fireworks in their garden. It (18. not/be) a gunshot after all, officer.​

valerijarukavitsona valerijarukavitsona    1   23.03.2021 19:12    12

ALSY0504 ALSY0504  22.04.2021 19:14

Policeman: What were you doing (1. you/ do) at 9 o’clock last night?

Witness: I was watching (2. watch) TV while my wife was making (3. make) dinner. Actually, we had wanted to eat (4. want/ eat) at a restaurant, but when my favorite news program started (5. start), I had decided to stay (6. decide/stay) at home. I was (7. be) rather tired as well. Besides this, I didn't want to spend (8. not want/ spend) money. In the past, we ate (9. eat) out a lot. Eating out wasn't (10. not/be) so expensive then. Now it costs (11. cost) a lot, and we can't (10. not/ can) afford it.

Policeman: Okay, okay. What happened (11. happen) then?

Witness: I thought (12. think) I had heard (13. hear) a gunshot from outside, but I didn't see (14. not/see) anything unusual. Then I realized (15. realize) what the noise was. Our neighbours had (16. have) a party and they set off (17. set off) fireworks in their garden. It wasn't (18. not/be) a gunshot after all, officer.​

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