21. Use don’t, doesn’t, do or does. 1. She … want to study here. 2. … you understand the words this American uses? – No, I … 3. I … usually feel well when I eat fast food. 4.
This café … work 24/7. 5. … you have much free time? – Yes, I … . 6. I …. quite like the last book by this author. 7. … she believe everything
you tell her? – I … think so. 8. Tony … have any brothers or sisters. He
is the only child. 9. When … the train leave? 10. What … they prefer to
have for dinner? – I … know.

EfremovMk EfremovMk    3   17.11.2020 01:53    0

Help102 Help102  17.12.2020 01:54

1. She doesn't want to study here.

2. Do you understand...?

No, I don't.

3. I don't usually...

4. This café doesn't work...

5. Do you have? Yes, I do.

6. I don't...

7. Does she? I don't think so.

8. Tony doesn't have...

9. When does the train?

10. What do they prefer? I don't



vannik78 vannik78  17.12.2020 01:54

1. She DOESN'T want to study here.

2. DO you understand the words this American uses? – No, I DON'T.

3. I DON'T usually feel well when I eat fast food.

4.  This café DOESN'T work 24/7.

5. DO you have much free time? – Yes, I DO.

6. I DON'T quite like the last book by this author.

7. DOES she believe everything  you tell her? – I DON'T think so.

8. Tony DOESN'T have any brothers or sisters. He  is the only child.

9. When DOES the train leave?

10. What DO they prefer to  have for dinner? – I DON'T know.

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