2 Read the Class Book. Circle the wrong word. Write the correct word. 1 Football started in France. Tennis
2 They hit the ball with their feet.
3 Later, people started wearing a leather shoe.
4 People started to play tennis inside in 1873.
5 The last winner at Wimbledon was Spencer Gore.
6 The first tennis balls were leather.​

uchenik0012 uchenik0012    2   11.12.2020 17:31    203

inlovewithaguitar inlovewithaguitar  10.01.2024 18:08
Title: The Evolution of Tennis: Identifying and Correcting Mistakes in the Class Book

Good morning, students! Today, we will be focusing on a reading exercise from our Class Book. The passage discusses the history of tennis and asks us to identify and correct a few mistakes. By the end of this lesson, we will better understand the evolution of tennis and how it spread across countries. So, let's delve into it!

Read the given passage and identify any incorrect words. Once identified, circle the wrong word and write down the correct word in its place. Let's work through each sentence step by step:

Step 1 - Sentence 1:
"Football started in France. Tennis"
Circle the word "Tennis" and cross it out. Now, let's think about this sentence. Is tennis the correct word here? No, it isn't. So, what word should we use instead? That's right! We need to replace "Tennis" with "Soccer" because the sentence is comparing the origins of football and soccer. Therefore, write "Soccer" in its place.

Step 2 - Sentence 2:
"They hit the ball with their feet."
This sentence is about how the game is played. Is there anything incorrect here? No, it seems perfect! We can move on to the next sentence.

Step 3 - Sentence 3:
"Later, people started wearing a leather shoe."
This sentence mentions a change that happened over time. Can you spot the error? Absolutely! "Leather shoe" should be "leather ball." People started wearing shoes much earlier, but the change in the sports equipment was the introduction of the leather ball. Cross out "leather shoe" and replace it with "leather ball".

Step 4 - Sentence 4:
"People started to play tennis inside in 1873."
Is there anything wrong here? Yes, we have found the mistake! The word "inside" should be "outside." Tennis was primarily played outdoors, so cross out "inside" and replace it with "outside."

Step 5 - Sentence 5:
"The last winner at Wimbledon was Spencer Gore."
Let's analyze this sentence. What do you think? That's right! There doesn't appear to be any mistakes. The sentence tells us about the last winner of Wimbledon, and his name is Spencer Gore. Well done, students!

Step 6 - Sentence 6:
"The first tennis balls were leather."
Have you spotted any errors? Great job, everyone! The word "leather" should be "wooden." In the early days of tennis, balls were made out of wood, not leather. Circle "leather" and replace it with "wooden."

Fantastic work, students! We have successfully corrected the mistakes in the Class Book passage. We learned that tennis originated in France, how it has been played throughout history, and the materials used in the earliest tennis balls. It's essential to pay attention to the details and understand the context when identifying and correcting errors. Keep up the excellent work, and remember to approach every challenge with curiosity and critical thinking. See you in our next lesson!
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