2.Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.( Обращайте внимание на знак вопроса в конце предложений. Указать время и перевести предложения. 1. I usually ( not listen) to the radio and Mary (cook) dinner .
2. You ( not buy) this book yesterday
3. 2 days ago Jill ( go) home early because she (want) to see a film.
4. When your brother usually (get) home in the evening?
5. Jane always ( buy) us a nice present.
6. What those people (stop) in the middle of the road?
7. You (read) this book last month?
8. Fred (sleep), Judy ( not watch) TV at the moment.
9. When I (be) young, I (think) Mary (be) nice — but now I (think) she’s fantastic.
10. Jill (walk) home and she (see) her husband’s car outside the cinema yesterday
11. Look there! Sue (write) a letter.
12. Jack’s father (work) in London but he (not speak) English.
13. Joe ( not buy) a car yesterday.
14. Their father often (eat) meat.
15. Now I am in my class. I... (to sit) at my desk. I always ... (to sit) at the same desk.
16. Alice ... (not to take) the bus to school every day. She usually ... (to walk) to school...

OniksX OniksX    3   09.06.2020 23:56    2

daniilf02mail daniilf02mail  10.06.2020 12:01


1. ...don't listen...    doesn't cook...        2. ...  hadn't buy     3. went...    did want    4 gets   5. buys for  6. have stopped 7. Do you red this book, yesterday?  8. was sleeping...  didn't watch...   9was young, I thought Mary is nicethink that  10. ...walked saw  11. wrote...  12. ...works  don't speak  13.  hadn't buy 14.  ..eats... 15.  ... am sitting sit  16. ...doesn't take walks  . Вставляйте в пробелы вместо того,что в скобках.                                                                                                          

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