1визначити часову форму та стан дієслова 1. he was listened to with great attention.2. the doctor is feeling her pulse. 3. tom has come back from school by 3 o`clock. 4. we shall make the room comfortable for you. 5. did he finis his home work? 6. the railway time-tabl is changer rwice a year. 7. they will do this work tomorrow 2 перекласти речення 1.у багатьох театрах є оркестри з популярними диригентами. 2. вчора ми запізнились на поїзд. 3. я купив ліки в аптеці. 4. спорт є мені бути здоровим.5. звичайно я сні о 7 годині ранку 3відповісти на запитання. 1.why do many people go in for sports? 2. what kinds of trains do you know? 3. what do you prefer: a ballet, an opera or a commedy? 4. how many times a day do you have meal? 5. what is the fare in the bus in your town? 4 поставити присудок у passive voice 1. mother waters the flowers in the evening. 2. a boy showed her the way

Alisarerete Alisarerete    2   09.06.2019 01:00    15

NuriEynullaeva NuriEynullaeva  07.07.2020 23:17
1. Past Simple Passive
2.Present Continuous Active
3.Present Perfect Active
4.Future active
5.Past Simple Active
6.Present Continuous Active
7.Future active
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