1 Read the text. Fill in the gaps (A-1) with
the fragments (1-8).
Russian Inventions
200 years ago life was quite different. There was no
electricity, radio, television, airplane or many other
things A $ Russian inventors have contributed
greatly to B
We C without their
inventions. Alexander Popov D_1895 at the
meeting of the Physical and Chemical Committee
in Saint Petersburg. Unfortunately, he didn't patent
it and the Nobel Prize for E
to Guglielmo
Marconi. Vladimir Zvorykin is the inventor of
television and telecasting on an electrical basis. It
was he who designed an iconoscope, a kinescope
and basic colour television. However he made
most of his inventions in the USA, F.
Kotelnikov is the inventor of a backpack parachute.
In a theatre, he noticed a woman with a folded
turned into an unfolded
piece of cloth G
kerchief. This is how the operational principle of
a parachute came to Kotelnikov's mind. Andrei
Tupolev designed the world first passenger jet, and
his son Alexei designed H
1 the development of human civilisation
2 showed his radio receiver in May
3 that after simple manipulations
4 the first supersonic passenger aircraft
5 can hardly imagine the modern world
6 where he had emigrated in 1919
7 radio invention was given
8 that are part of our life​

11 КЛАСС READING SKILLS1 Read the text. Fill in the gaps (A-1) withthe fragments (1-8).Russian Inven

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