100. You agree with me, ? 101. George left the party early, ? 102. Let's have a drink, -- ? 102. Jack was born in Japan, ? 103. Somebody has got to pay, -- ? 104. So, you like working here, ? 105. Don't drive too fast, ? 106. You will go to the country, ? 107. I am not a typist, ? 108. He hasn't finished his work yet, ? 109. Jane owns a café in London, ? 110. You aren't too bust tonight, -? 111. Let's invite her friends on a trip,--? 112. The ticket to the theatre doesn't cost much, ? 113. You don't need the book any more, ? 114. Nobody knows who lives in this castle, ? 115. Don't forget to write me a letter, ? 116. I'm clever, --- ? 117. There is a lot of snow in the garden, ? 118. They never celebrate St Valentine's Day, ? 119. They have met him this morning, -- ? 14

Lera5457 Lera5457    2   04.05.2022 17:50    24

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