Мне ответить на вопросы по тексту answer the questions: 1. why was leslie out in the street? 2. did the procession impress her? 3. who came first? what were they wearing? 4. were there many animals? what were they? 5. who else took part in the procession? 6. do you think leslie liked the circus? why? and you? 7. what did she like most of all? 8. do you think adults like circus performances? why? circus leslie was out in the street watching the circus coming. it came in a long procession.when the beginning was just beside her she could not see the end.the band came first. they wore red jackets and blue trousers with lots of gold on them and they played a marching tune. some children were marching along with them, but leslie stood still because she wanted to see everything in the procession. next came the elephants. the biggest elephant had a man sitting on his shoulders. each of the others was holding onto the tail of the one in front. then came a lorry with a cage on it, and in the cage was a lion. after the lion came two clowns. one had a large red nose. the other had fuzzy yellow hair and he carried a bunch of balloons. he gave leslie a blue one. next came all the performing animals. leslie saw .the dogs, the chimp, the sea-lion, and the ponies. she liked the ponies best of all. one pony had a girl on its back. but she was not sitting on it. instead, she was standing. leslie wished she could be a circus girl.at the end came the strong man and another clown on stilts. all the circus people went into a big field and the men started to put up the tent. they watched the men working until the tent was ready. then inside the tent the band started to play.

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