10. заполните пропуски в следующем тексте, выбрав слово из предлагаемых ва¬риантов. manufacturing engineer of the 21st century the (human, primary, abstract) role of the manufacturing engineer in the 21st century (to calculate, to observe, to perform) and to integrate various manufacturing functions. more and more the manufacturing engineer will be an operations integrator. manufacturing engineers understand product design processes (machinery, physics, steam engines). they (provide, invent, assemble) planning of manufacturing and designing of machinery. they deal with (performing, analyzing, designing) and investigating equipment needs. manufacturing engineers must have (experience, assistance, information) in work with individuals at all levels of an organization, from upper-level management to factory-floor operators of high-technology (observation, assembly, specification) stations. in short, they work (to depend upon, to assemble, to develop) and coordinate the entire manufacturing process from (product, per¬formance, area) design through after-sales service.

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