Сумативное оценивание за 4 четверть /СОЧ/  класс Дата:   17.05.2021
ФИО учащегося 
I Reading
Task 1   Read the dialogue about transportation. 
Bob: Hello, I’m sorry, but I am late. Can you help me? 
Mark: Sure, no problem! How can  I help you? 
Bob: When is the next train to Ansonia? 
Mark: I am not sure, but I think the next one leaves tomorrow at 8 pm. 
Bob: What?! I can’t wait that long! What time is the next bus? 
Mark: It should go by in about two hours. It leaves the bus station at about 5.30 pm. 
Bob: Well, I don’t know. Isn’t there any other option? 
Mark: You could take a taxi… 
Bob: What’s faster, the bus or the taxi? 
Mark: The taxi, of course! All you have to do is to call and ask for a taxi and it will come right away. 
Bob: You are right, but which is the cheapest one? 
Mark: The cheapest means of transportation is the subway. 
Bob: When have you ever seen a subway here in Connecticut? 
Mark: You’re right. But anyway why don’t you just go walking? It’s only like twenty five minutes away from here. 
Bob: You’re absolutely right. Thanks for your help. 
Choose the right option. 
1. Bob wants to go to … [1] 
A) Connecticut                      B) Ansonia                     C) Bus station                     D) Home 
2. The train leaves … [1] 
A) At 5.30 pm                       B) In 25 minutes             C) At 8 pm                         D) Right away 
3. The fastest means of transportation is … [1] 
A) Train                                  B) Bus                         C) Taxi                   D) Subway 
4. The cheapest means of transportation is … [1]
A) Train                                  B) Bus                         C) Taxi                   D) Subway 
5. How long will it take for Bob to walk? [1] 
A) 25 minutes                      B) 27 minutes              C) 28 minutes                D) 21 minutes               
2.5 points    
    II Use of English                
Task 2. Complete the sentences. Use the following words:  
                    Artist, untidy, motorist, unusual, cyclist, unfair, biologist, unfriendly. 
1. A knows a lot of about animals and pants.
2. I can’t find anything in my room because it’s so .
3. A person who often rides a bike is a .
4. Our neighbors never talk to us. They’re  people.
5. Someone who paints very well is an .
6. It’s May and it’s snowing! That’s .
7. When you’re driving a car you’re a .
8. Why Jack got a bigger piece of cake than me? That’s !
4 points

Task 3 Test (grammar) 
1. … books are interesting.
A) This B) These C) That D) What E) Here
2. Mike is … than Pete.
A) tall B) taller C) the tallest D) more tall E) the most tall
3.Pete (to give) me a book last week.
A) given B) gived C) givd D) giveed E) gave
4. We (to buy) a car last year.
A) bought B) brought C) buyed D) boutghted E) bued
5. This book is … than that one.
A) good B) gooder C) the  goodest D) better E) the best
6. Дополни предложение: We haven’t got … sugar. I can’t cook a cake.
A)some B)somebody C)any D) something E) anybody
7. Дополни предложение: There is … cheese in the fridge. Let’s make pizza.
A)much B)little C)many D)few E)any
8. Дополни предложение глаголом в правильной форме:
My father … in the park every day.
A) is running B) runs C) run D) are running E) isn’t running                        4 points
Task 3    Make up a dialogue: 

SA – shop-assistant
С — customer

We have got all colours. What do you think of blue?
Good afternoon. Yes, please. I’m looking for an elegant dress for a party
What colour would you like?
May I try it on?
Yes, here you are.
How much is it?
It’s 25 Euros.

Yes , thank  you.   … It fits perfectly
You can pay in cash and by card , too.
Blue is ok. Have you got it medium size?
Yes, and it suits you well.

Here is my card.

Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Well, it is a little small. Have you got a bigger one?

Only in red. Would you like to try it on?
I take it. Can I pay by card or in cash only?
Of course,you may. The changing room is there. Does it it?
I don’t know. What colours have you got?

/4.5 points/                                                    Total 15 /


VikaPoluyan VikaPoluyan    3   17.05.2021 06:21    1