10 VIVIAR Present simple and past simple a) Choose the correct tense: present simple or past simple.
When I was a boy we
(have to/had to) get up off the sofa to change channels because
(don't didn't) have a remote control for the TV. We (watch/watched) programmes
in black and white. My family
(sits/sat) together in one room to watch TV because
(is/was) the only one in the house. We often — (argue/argued about which channel
to watch. Now we (have/had) three TVs in our house, and we can watch programmes
on the computer, too, so there (are/were) no more arguments. This also means that to-
day we (don't/didn't) sit together as a family as much, and we — (don't/didn't) talk
about the programmes we watch. In my opinion, that (is/was) a shame.​

gnikitav2007 gnikitav2007    3   15.11.2020 10:08    38

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