Выбрать правильный вариант iv. choose the right variant. 1. they … to the library of foreign literature yesterday. a) went b) have gone c) are going 2. i … work and i’m reading a book now. a) just finish b) just finished c) have just finished 3. who …. usually his homework in this room? a) does b) do c) is doing 4. we’ll go to the country tomorrow, if the weather … fine. a) will be b) is c) be 5. my sister’s son is only four, but he …. to read. a) has learned already b) has already learn c) has already learned 6. my friend and i, we …. at the laboratory and listening to the new text now. a) are sitting b) sitting c) sit 7. as soon as he comes back, i …. you up. a) ring b) will ring c) am ringing 8. she wanted to know who (будет говорить) at the conference. a) would speak b) will speaks c) speaks 9. i … to answer all these letters the day before yesterday. a) have b) had c) am had 10. we …. three english books this month. a) have read b) have readed c) read 11. he said that his friend … in moscow next year. a) had lived b) wiil live c) would live

sbengardt sbengardt    1   01.07.2019 06:40    2

flaming1337 flaming1337  02.10.2020 17:10
1-a, 2-c 3-a, 4-b,5-c,6-a 7-b,8-a,9-b 10-a 11-c
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