1 WORD FRIENDS Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
have sleep go get x2 fell stay wake
1 Sometimes I fall asleep during my History lessons!
2 I know that I
dreams but I can never remember them.
3 I usually
in bed until lunchtime on Saturdays!
4 During the week I always need to up at 7.30 but I need a clock to
5 I like to
ready for bed quite early and then read a book for half an hour.
6 My baby sister has to to bed early and she hates it.
badly, I can't work very well the next day.
me up on time.
7 If I

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myagkikhigorek myagkikhigorek  24.01.2024 18:26
1. Sometimes I fall asleep during my History lessons! - Иногда я засыпаю во время уроков по истории!
Explanation: The verb "fall asleep" means to start sleeping.

2. I know that I have dreams but I can never remember them. - Я знаю, что у меня есть сны, но я никогда не могу их запомнить.
Explanation: The verb "have" is used to indicate possession or experience. In this context, it means to experience dreams.

3. I usually sleep in bed until lunchtime on Saturdays! - Обычно я сплю в постели до обеда по субботам!
Explanation: The verb "sleep" is used to indicate the action of resting or being in a state of sleep.

4. During the week I always need to wake up at 7.30 but I need a clock to get me up on time. - В течение недели я всегда должен просыпаться в 7.30, но мне нужен будильник, чтобы разбудить меня вовремя.
Explanation: The verb "wake up" means to stop sleeping and become conscious. The verb "get" is used to indicate the action of obtaining or reaching a particular state.

5. I like to get ready for bed quite early and then read a book for half an hour. - Мне нравится готовиться ко сну довольно рано, а затем читать книгу полчаса.
Explanation: The verb "get ready" means to prepare oneself for a particular activity or event.

6. My baby sister has to go to bed early and she hates it. - Моей младшей сестре нужно ложиться спать рано, и она ненавидит это.
Explanation: The verb "go to bed" means to move or be in a lying position to sleep.

7. If I sleep badly, I can't work very well the next day. - Если я плохо сплю, я не могу хорошо работать на следующий день.
Explanation: The verb "sleep" is used to indicate the action of resting or being in a state of sleep. The adverb "badly" describes the quality or manner in which the person sleeps.

Please note that the given verbs are in their base form (infinitive form) and may require appropriate conjugation depending on the subject of the sentence.
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