1. When the Captain (to come), we (to launch) lifeboats. 2. As soon as we (to approach) the port, we (to take) a pilot. 3. As soon as our ship (to enter) the port, the dockers (to unload) the cargo. 4. When we (to moor), we (to go) sightseeing. 5. If he (not to join) me, I (to go) there alone. 6. When they (to be) free of watch, they (to go) ashore. 7. If you (to get off) at the next stop, you (to find) yourself not far from Trafalgar Square. 8. If you (to go) by bus , it (to take) you 5 minutes to get there. 9. If there (to be) heavy traffic, I (to be) late for my classes. 10. If you (to turn) to the left, it won`t be a long way to the college.

guast1 guast1    3   22.04.2020 21:49    18

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