Инструкция: выучите слова по теме to breathe - дышать
a pain - боль
a shooting pain – стреляющая боль
to sweat - потеть
overweight – избыточный вес
to advise – советовать
to kick the habit – бросить привычку heart problems – проблемы с сердцем angina - стенокардия
a heart attack – сердечный приступ blood pressure – кровяное давление oedema – отёк, отёчность
swollen - опухший
murmurs – шумы (в сердце)
bowel sounds – звуки кишечника Инструкция: заполните пропуски словами. Используйте лексику п.1.1.
1. A doctor asked the patient if anyone in her family has ... .
2. A doctor ... the patient to stop smoking.
3. The patient avoids doing exercise because she is too ... .
4. The patient’s ... was 160/80.
5. The patient has been ... a lot, even though the weather’s not hot.
it very hard ... .
7. A doctor checked the patient’s ankles for ... , and they were ... .
8. The patient has been getting ... down her left arm in the last three weeks.
9. The pain starts at the top of the arm and going down to the bottom. It’s ...
pain .
10.The patient has tried to stop smoking lots of times but she hasn’t managed

11.The patient’s mother has ... and her father died of ... .
12.A doctor listened to the patient’s heart and there were clear ... there. 13.A doctor listened to the patient’s abdomen and ... presented.

mick65 mick65    3   06.11.2021 04:05    1

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