1. Выпишите из текста существительные во множественном числе, определите их началь¬ную форму (единственное число).
Tom's f«nn is in lhe country. There is a farm house with flowers round the door and the windows. There arc a lot of animals on the farm. There are horses, cows, sheep, hens and pigs. The man near the door is fanner Tom His wife is wortring in the garden, and his two sons arc playing in the yard with their dog and four puppies. Tom’s daughter Mary is in the room She is drawing n picture There arc eight rnico and a big cat in the picture
2. Озаглавьте текст.
задание 1:
1. Flowers- flower
2. Windows- window
3. Animals- animal
4. horses- hors
5. Cows- cow
6. Sheep- sheep
7. hens- hen
8. pigs- pig
9. sons- son
10. puppies- puppy
Задание 2:
funny life.